Action Cable is the Rails way to integrate WebSockets, allowing for bi-directional communication with minimal overhead between client and server. I recently made a group chat app with React, Redux Toolkit and Action Cable to support real-time features while leveraging a Rails API to preserve data. The features include:
- Real-time message updates among users in the same chat room.
- Unread message prompts from inactive rooms.
- Display number of unread messages after the user closes browser and logs back in.
Here’s a short demo:
While building this app, I couldn’t find a lot of resources on this subject. The Rails guide lacks clarity for using Rails as API. Tutorials from popular articles do not take advantage of Redux for more integrated state management. This post is my attempt to expand the knowledge base.
This post has three main sections: configuration, send messages (from client) and receive messages (by client). The fundamental concepts for WebSockets/real-time applications are mostly in these sections. However, I think it’s necessary to provide additional guidance on other areas of the application to provide a more complete picture. Additionally, as we encounter Redux Toolkit code snippets in the post, I provide excerpts from its documentation for background as the Toolkit might still be relatively new.
Ok, let’s dive in.
Rails Action Cable
Include the redis gem for WebSocket communication; uncomment it in your gemfile and bundle
# Use Redis adapter to run Action Cable in production 4.0
gem 'redis'
Change the adapter setting in your config/cable.yml
to the following:
adapter: redis
Mount the ‘/cable’ endpoint in your routes to receive connection requests from client.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount ActionCable.server => '/cable'
Client side connection request will look like this: CableApp.cable = actionCable.createConsumer('ws://localhost:3000/cable')
Create React App with Redux Toolkit
Create a react app with Redux Toolkit; you can delete any unnecessary starter code.
npx create-react-app chat-app-client --template redux
Install the actioncable npm package.
npm install --save actioncable
Establish Action Cable Connection
Establish one Action Cable connection in src/index.js
and provide this connection to your app through Context.
import React, { createContext } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import actionCable from "actioncable";
import App from "./App";
import store from "./app/store";
const CableApp = {}
// change to whatever port your server uses
CableApp.cable = actionCable.createConsumer("ws://localhost:3000/cable");
export const ActionCableContext = createContext();
<Provider store={store}>
<ActionCableContext.Provider value={CableApp.cable}>
<App />
We create the ActionCableContext
here and use it to provide CableApp.cable
to App
’s component tree. This will allow us to generate subscriptions, through one single connection, to multiple cable channels in the Action Cable server.
Note the url in createConsumer
no longer starts with http
but ws
, denoting WebSocket requests. You might wonder what consumer
means here. It’s a term used in Action Cable to refer to the client-side connection to the server. The client-side connection is called a consumer, and the server-side connection is called a connection. The consumer is responsible for creating subscriptions to channels. Refer to Rails guide for the architectural stack explanation. Here’s a much simplified graphical representation:
Data Models and Associations in Rails Backend
Before we go into details on sending messages and receiving messages, we should first generate our models and associations. I include it here just for contextual understanding of data relationships so the names used in later sections don’t create confusion.
Note: The membership table is only necessary for preserving data about unread messages; message can serve as a join table if preserving data is not needed.
rails g resource user name picture_url
rails g resource room name description
rails g resource membership last_read_at:datetime user:references room:references
rails g resource message content user:references room:references
Send Messages from Client
Create Channel in Rails Backend
Generate the messages channel with Rails command line, which creates the app/channels/messages_channel.rb
file for us.
rails g channel messages
Set up the generated channel with subscribed, receive and unsubscribed actions, corresponding to the subscribe, send and unsubscribe functions on the client side.
class MessagesChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def subscribed
@room = Room.find(params[:id])
stream_for @room
def receive(data)
def unsubscribed
A channel is similar to a controller in a regular MVC setup. It can handle multiple subscriptions with different identifiers. In addition, the difference between stream_from
and stream_for
is that the former expects a string while the latter an object. For example: stream_from
” vs. stream_for current_user
. I find it easier to understand stream_for
as it makes the channel more comparable to a controller.
The receive action will be modified in the next section to save messages and broadcast them to client.
Send Messages from React Client
Create a MessagesList component to render the list of messages for the selected chat room. It should have the Action Cable connection provided by ActionCableContext.Provider
, which refers to actionCable.createConsumer('ws://localhost:3000/cable')
The MessagesChannel
is already created in our Rails backend. As mentioned before, We can create multiple channels on an Action Cable connection; each channel can receive multiple subscriptions from client side. In this example, we create a subscription to the MessagesChannel
with the roomId
as the identifier. The creation is in a useEffect
hook, because we want to trigger the subscription whenever the roomId
changes. The roomId
identifier will tell our backend which room to stream for.
Additionally, we’re setting the channel as a component state. This is because we need to use the channel to send messages to the backend outside the useEffect
hook. We’ll see how to do that in the next step.
Finally, remember to clean up the subscription in the useEffect
return function by calling the unsubscribe
method provided by Action Cable.
const MessagesList = () => {
const { roomId } = useParams();
const cable = useContext(ActionCableContext);
const [channel, setChannel] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
const channel = cable.subscriptions.create({
channel: 'MessagesChannel',
id: roomId,
return () => {
}, [roomId]);
Now we’ve created the subscription, we can use its send
method to send data to our backend. The corresponding action in our backend is receive(data)
const sendMessage = (content) => {
const data = { roomId, userId, content }
This function is called by an input component where the user input their messages and that’s where it gets the content. Additionally, our backend expects roomId
and userId
. We can use the useParam
hook to get the roomId
from the url pretty easily if we follow REST conventions. For the userId
, we can dispatch an action to add user id to the Redux store when user logs in. This way, we can use a useSelector
hook to get current user’s id:
const currentUserId = useSelector(state => state.users.currentUser);
Receive Messages in Client
Action Cable Broadcasts Data
The backend work for this part is extremely easy as we have already set up our MessagesChannel
and associated actions. We only need to build out our receive(data)
action so it saves the received messages in our database and broadcasts it back to client.
class MessagesChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def receive(data)
user = User.find_by(id: data['userId'])
message = @room.messages.create(content: data['content'], user: user)
Note: Remember we have already identified the correct @room
in our subscribed
action. So we can directly use it in our receive
The MessageSerializer
is a class that we create to format the data for broadcasting. I used FastJsonApi to construct it:
class MessageSerializer
include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer
attributes :content, :created_at
belongs_to :room
belongs_to :user
You can also perform the broadcast later with an Active Job instance, so the data transmission is queued up for better performance. It can be done like this:
class MessagesChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def receive(data)
And the job:
class MessageRelayJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
def perform(message)
room =
React Client Receives Messages
We first need to identify where in our client we want to receive messages. As detailed in the previous section, we’re sending messages from the MessagesList
component, which is mounted on the user’s active chat room. As users can only send messages from the active chat room, this makes total sense. However, because we want users to see unread message prompts from inactive chat rooms, we need to receive messages in ChatRoomsList
, which is mounted on the user’s chat rooms dashboard but not selected in the url. We can created a child component called ChatRoomsListItem
to handle the specific functions.
import { messageReceived } from '../messages/messagesSlice'
const ChatRoomsListItem = ({ room }) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const cable = useContext(ActionCableContext);
useEffect(() => {
{ channel: 'MessagesChannel', id: },
received: (data) => {
}, [room, dispatch]);
return (
<Link to={`/rooms/${}`}>
Like before, we get the Action Cable connection from the ActionCableContext
, and establish subscriptions to the MessagesChannel
for each of the chat rooms on the dashboard. We don’t need to set a component channel
state here because there’s no need to use the subscription outside the useEffect
hook. It just receives data and dispatches an action to update our Redux store.
The messageReceived
function is from our Redux messagesSlice
. It handles an addOne
action to add the received message to the store:
import { createSlice, createEntityAdapter } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
const messagesAdapter = createEntityAdapter();
const initialState = messagesAdapter.getInitialState({
const messagesSlice = createSlice({
name: 'messages',
reducers: {
messageReceived(state, action) {
const data =;
const message = {
messagesAdapter.addOne(state, message);
extraReducers: {
export const { messageReceived } = messagesSlice.actions;
If you are not familiar with Redux Toolkit, here’s an explanation of createSlice
It takes care of generating action type strings, action creator functions, and action objects. All you have to do is define a name for this slice, write an object that has some reducer functions in it, and it generates the corresponding action code automatically. The string from the
option is used as the first part of each action type, and the key name of each reducer function is used as the second part.
In our example, the messages
name + the messageReceived
reducer function generated an action type of {type: "messages/messageReceived"}
In addition, here’s an explanation of createEntityAdapter
It provides a standardized way to store your data in a slice by taking a collection of items and putting them into the shape of
{ ids: [], entities: {} }
. Along with this predefined state shape, it generates a set of reducer functions and selectors that know how to work with that data.
The entity adapter, in our case messagesAdapter
, provides a set of generated reducer functions for adding, updating, and removing entity instances from the entity state. In our messageReceived
reducer, we’re using the addOne
reducer function which accepts a single entity and adds it. We’re taking advantage of Redux’s serialization for better performance.
React Client Displays Messages
Now with the newly received message properly stored in our Redux store, we need to display it to our user. There are two scenarios:
If the message belongs to an active room, then we should render it in the
component. Remember, this component is rendered with the ‘rooms/:roomId’ url and displays the message log for the room as well as an input component. -
If the message belongs to an inactive room, then we just need to show an indicator on the
component to let the user know that they’ve received messages in this inactive room. In this example, I’m bolding the chat room’s name and updating the number of unread messages in a badge.
Active Room
We first should create a selector in the messagesSlice
to select messages by roomId
from our Redux store.
export const { selectAll: selectAllMessages } = messagesAdapter.getSelectors(
(state) => state.messages
export const selectMessagesByRoom = createSelector(
[selectAllMessages, (state, roomId) => roomId],
(messages, roomId) => messages.filter((message) => message.roomId === roomId)
Again, if you’re not familiar with Redux Toolkit, here’s an explanation of getSelectors
The adapter object also has a
function. You can pass in a selector that returns this particular slice of state from the Redux root state, and it will generate selectors likeselectAll
The createSelector
function is re-exported from the Reselect library:
It takes one or more ‘input selector’ functions as argument, plus an ‘output selector’ function.
When we call selectMessagesByRoom(state, roomId)
, createSelector
will pass all of the arguments into each of our input selectors. Whatever those input selectors return becomes the arguments for the output selector.
In our case, we have two input selector functions:
(state, roomId) => roomId
Because we pass in (state, roomId)
to the selectMessagesByRoom
selector, createSelector
will pass them into both of the input selector functions. The result of the first input selector function is messages
and the second is roomId
. Together they become the arguments of the output selector, which is used to filter the messages.
Now we can use this selector to render new messages that are added to our store to the MessagesList
import { selectMessagesByRoom } from './messagesSlice'
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'
import MessageItem from './MessageItem'
const MessagesList = () => {
const messages = useSelector((state) => selectMessagesByRoom(state, roomId));
const renderedMessages =
messages && => (
<MessageItem key={} message={message} />
Once a component is hooked up to our store, most of the state management logic will live in the Redux slices. The result is that we have a clean component which automatically re-renders when the selected state changes.
Inactive Room
Like before, we need to create a selector to select unread messages by roomId
. The difference is that we need to filter out messages that are older than the lastReadAt
timestamp. The room
entity includes a last_read_at
attribute, providing information about when the user looked at this room most recently. It can be null
if the user joined the room but has not looked at it. So we can select the unread messages by comparing the message’s created_at
attribute with the room’s last_read_at
attribute. In the output selector, we use several helper functions from date-fns to help us with the comparison
import { selectRoomById } from '../rooms/roomsSlice';
import { isAfter, parseISO, subYears } from 'date-fns';
export const selectUnreadMessages = createSelector(
[selectMessagesByRoom, selectRoomById],
(messages, room) => {
const lastReadAt = parseISO(room.lastReadAt) || subYears(, 1);
return messages.filter((message) =>
isAfter(parseISO(message.created_at), lastReadAt)
This is all the setup for unread messages. Now we can use the selector in the ChatRoomsListItem
component to render the unread messages indicator.
import { selectUnreadMessages } from '../messages/messagesSlice'
const ChatRoomsListItem = ({ room }) => {
const numOfUnreads = useSelector((state) =>
const getFontWeight = () => {
if (location.pathname.slice(7) === {
return 'fontWeightRegular';
return numOfUnreads === 0 ? 'fontWeightRegular' : 'fontWeightBold';
const renderedNumOfUnreads = () => {
if (location.pathname.slice(7) === {
return 0;
return numOfUnreads;
return (
// material UI
<Link to={`/rooms/${}`}>
<Badge badgeContent={renderedNumOfUnreads()}>
<Box fontWeight={getFontWeight()}>{}</Box>
Note: We don’t want the unread prompt to show up on the active room. So we created some helper functions to figure out if prompts are necessary based on the url.
The mental shift from HTTP to WebSockets is a big one. But once you get the hang of it, it’s not that bad. Understanding this concept will provide a solid foundation for building real-time applications. So I’d say it’s worth the effort.